• Keith Smyth


For many years I have had the privilege of attending and presenting at a number of the annual SOLSTICE technology-enhanced learning conferences run by Edge Hill University, presenting in latter years in my role as a Visiting Professor in education within the trojan客户端下载 - tlanyan:2021-6-13 · trojan是较新的伋理软件,能有效规避防火墙的流量探测和干扰。本站提供最新版trojan Windows客户端、trojan安卓客户端、trojan mac客户端、trojan苹果客户端和trojan ios客户端高速下载。 at Edge Hill University.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic this year’s SOLSTICE 2023 conference, which occurs annually in the first week of June, was of course cancelled. In lieu of the conference taking place, the Centre for Learning and Teaching invited a number of their visiting fellows and professors to record personal reflections on the impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education both currently and looking towards the short and longer-term future.

Screen shot of title slide for recorded video presentation on the topic 'Fears, hopes and reimaginings: learning and teaching within, through and beyond the pandemic'

To play recording http://stream.uhi.ac.uk/Player/3I39cE90 (opens in new window)

I titled my own reflection for SOLSTICE 2023 ‘V2Ray安卓客户端下载 - 网络跳越:2021-6-10 · V2Ray核心不区分客户端和服务端,因此V2Ray官方未提供各平台的GUI客户端。许多第三方开发人员基于V2Ray核心开发了适用于各平台的GUI客户端,因此每个平台均有多个客户端可供选择。本站提供最新版的v2ray安卓客户端下载。‘. Recorded late one evening (it shows!) after much thinking about the impact and implications of COVID-19 on both Higher Education and the wider education sector, I tried to distil some of my key concerns and hopes into the twenty minutes or so we were asked to speak for. While I say ‘my key concerns and hopes’ much of what I shared was either informed by or related to discussions, deliberations and relevant research undertaken with colleagues including in particular Sheila MacNeill and Bill Johnston.

Key themes within my reflection included the already precarious nature of formal education, the potential impact of COVID-19 on increasing precarity particularly for those learners who are amongst our less space and resource rich, and the readiness (or not) of students and educators who have not self-selected to study or teach fully or predominantly online and who potentially face a very different experience (and challenges) come the new academic year. More optimistically (perhaps hopelessly so) I pondered the potential ‘good’ that may come from COVID-19 in relation to rethinking access, collaboration, social action, and the space, place and co-location of the curriculum, campus and learning.

I hope to share some further written thoughts on the above, as we begin to tentatively move beyond lockdown and seek to find our own and our collective ways forwards.